Search for information about mammal conservation by order/family/species or by thematic subject. There are several selection possibilities by language, document type or country. You can refine on rating or date of entry on this website. A date search makes it possible to look which documents are added or renewed since your last visit. |
Announcements of assemblies, conferences, symposia and other meetings about mammal conservation and management, sorted by date. |
View of national mammal organisations in the European countries with reference to their web site. |
Digital newsletters dealing with mammals, sorted by order/family/species and which can be refined by language. |
Survey of manufacturers, constructors, sellers and consultants offering materials or services useful to mammal researchers and conservationists. You can search on products or services or on country. |
Documents posted by mammal conservationists with considerations, findings, experiences and opinions about mammal conservation techniques and methods. It's intended to change useful and valuable information and to introduce discussions about mammal conservation related subjects. |
Subject related synopsis of diffused information about mammal conservation. The subjects are updated regularly and new pages follow in due time. |
Reference to discussion forums on the internet which deal with mammals and to whom you can participate. They are sorted by order/family/species and can be refined by language. |
Papers, reports and summaries of lectures and presentations held on symposia, conferences, work-shops and other meetings about European mammals and conservation related items.
Search for abstracts of articles about mammal conservation by order/family/species or by thematic subject. There are several selection possibilities by the authors name, title of the magazine or language. You can also enter a keyword. You can refine on publication date or date of entry on this website. A date of entry search makes it possible to look which documents are added or renewed since your last visit. |